Are prepaid iphones a thing?

I just broke my android so i wanted to know if i could get a prepaid iphone since a contract is too expensive for me right now. If it exists, where would i get one? And does anyone know if i can get a 5c or a 5s (even a 6 but ik that ll be crazy expensive) for around $150?

You can get pre paid iPhones really anywhere. Verizon has ended "Contracts" you pay like 30 a month for an iPhone 6s, 20 dollar line access fee and however much data you want. You get a 25 dollar discount if you do payment plans through verizon for your phone. My bill is $68 and i have an iPhone 6s Plus 128 GB Without a contract, you have to pay full price for the phone. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Without a contract, you have to pay full price for the phone. There's no such thing as a free lunch.