Best way to save battery life for iPhone 5c?

I know that after using your phone for awhile, the battery life decreases faster. But my phone's battery life goes down extremely fast. Whenever i turn on my cellular data, after like 10 minutes I would have already lost 8%. I'm very careful with my charging. I charge every night and wait for it to be 100% and then use it. I also let it die at least once a month too. My main concern here is about the cellular data. I see other have it on for a whole day without it wasting their battery life much.

Turn screen brightness automatic off. Leave brightness lower and close some apps by double clicking home button and holding down an icon until jiggling and press minuse.

As you double-click the home-button twice, you will come up to the running page. In this window, it shows all applications that are running. If you drag them upwards, they will stop running and your phone does not use as not battery even though you are only using one program.