I think a girl that rides the bus with me likes me. Am I right?

On Wednesday I noticed this girl Turing her head my way on the bus. She was texting on her iPhone 6 but still glanced over my seat. When the bus made it to the college I got off through the middle doors and she went through the front doors. She happened to turn her heard looking back to see me get off the bus and she looked like she was smiling. On Thursday when she got on the bus after she paid money when she sat down she seen me and I noticed she glanced at me sitting in the same seat as Wednesday. When she was sitting again on her iPhone 6, she turned her head to look at me. On Monday this week the same girl got on the bus and when she was paying she looks to the seat I was sitting Thursday. When she sat down she chose a sear in front of mine on the left side when I'm on the right. I looked at her with my eyes and she was sitting the same way I was sitting and her arms was crossed as mine was. I noticed she touch her hair a few times. When we was walking to go in the college she was walking slow infront of me. When she was in the hallway she looked Back a few seconds when I was behind her and again look like she was smiling. Why did she do this theses days. I have not seen her sadly.

She is not interested.