Anyone who has IPhone io6 update, I need your

If you have the iPhone IO6 update, I need your help! My iPhone 3G just asked me if I would like to update to io6. Should I? Also, what is Siri? Is it that talking thing that's on iPhone 4s?

Yes, Siri is the taking voice assistant in the 4s. But even with the update, the iPhone 3G will still not get Siri, it doesn't have the hardware for it. But go ahead and update, there's no reason not to. It can sometimes take a while though, so do it when you don't need to do anything important with your phone.

Yes you should update to the iOS6!

Siri helps with directions and you can give commands to the phone by holding the home button in. You've probably seen the commercials for it with the iPhone 4s when it first came out.

iOS6 would make your 3G iPhone the same system as the iPhone 5 except for the screen size.

Hope this helps!

The Siri software only gets added to iPads 2&3 and updates what's already on the 4S.

IOS6 will update the maps and add podcasts, find friends and iTunes U apps to all older phones and first gen iPads.