Can i listen to 3200 songs from my itunes on a 16 gb iphone 5s through cloud?

I'm getting an iphone 5s n January, i have a 32 gb ipod, i want all that music on my iphone, i don't really understand icloud or anything, (new iphone user) i want to buy the cheaper sized 16gb one but can i have the music come through icloud and will that use my data or service?

Well Kody,
If you have Internet service you can stream music from online. The cloud is basically storage space for things on an apple product- that aren't on your phone. It means that this music you've bought (or pirated) isn't exactly ON your iPhone, but can still be played if you have Internet. Without Internet or service you have no access to these songs. You can't play all your music from the cloud if you don't have Internet so what I advise is that you download onto your iPhone hard drive/memory is about 50-75 songs max that you can listen to anywhere, but you could listen to the rest of your songs still- if you have service.

Hope this helped you understand your phone better and answer the question.

You don't listen to the music via icloud. It still has to be downloaded on the phone to listen to it. Save for a phone with more storage to be happy with it or carry your ipod around with you and use the phone for a phone.