Can my iPhone 6s can be tracked if it didn't have a sim card?

Can my iPhone 6s can be tracked if it didn't have a sim card? - 1

By you?


once its been set up and then you sign into your Apple ID on the phone you can then locate with the findmyphone app on your laptop or other device even if you have removed the sim providing the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi signal - though even if there's no sign at the precise moment of the search, its last known location will show up

as to whether others can track you, once again a Wi-Fi connection will be an issue and presumably what other apps you have on your phone OR what magic tech they are using

IPhones have GPS built in them which can be used to track the phone. It all depends on who is trying to track it and what they have access to


Yes if the phone gps feature is turned on.