Can the iPhone 6s even display 4K?

Excuse my ignorance because I don't know a lot about my phone lol but can the 6s even play videos in 4K? It seems like it because it has the ability to record in 4K but the 1080p 60fps option uses less space and looks better. Is 4K supposed to be worse than that and I'm just all wrong or am I lacking the proper display to actually view 4K videos?

4K is useless on small screens, I don't understand why 4K screens are being introduced to phones. 4K camera is understandable as a lot of people copy videos over to a computer, phones are also used for some low budget movies, which allow people to film 4K content without need to spend thousand+. 4K is 4x 1080p, meaning it is 4x better only if the screen you're using to watch the content is big and a 4K screen. You can shrink a 360p video onto a small screen and it will look amazing for what it is, which is exactly why 4K screens on a phone is useless.

If the iPhone screen was to be 4K, nobody would notice any difference as it's just too small

The device would have to have 4k capability and some computers are just getting to that point. It will be years if ever until cell phone screen get resolution that high

It does not have a 4K display. 4K videos are scaled down to play on the device.

It can display the videos but you won't actually see it in 4K because the screen does not have that many pixels, it'll scale down. Most phones don't have 4K, just the Sony Z5 Premium come sit my mind with it.

Either way, more pixels on such a small screen can make it look better but it's not gonna wow you as much as on a 50' screen per say. The 4K recording is for you to see it on a 4K screen if you have one or will get one in the future, so it's in its native resolution and the TV or Monitor won't have to scale it up from HD.

Yeah I think it could display 4K and I think you must also get LEO Privacy so as to hide your edited images and also there's lot of security features which could be very useful for you.

4k is useless on small screens, i don't understand why 4k screens are being introduced to phones… 4k camera is understandable as a lot of people copy videos over to a computer, phones are also used for some low budget movies, which allow people to film 4k content without need to spend thousand+… 4k is 4x 1080p, meaning it is 4x better only if the screen you're using to watch the content is big and a 4k screen… You can shrink a 360p video onto a small screen and it shall look amazing for what it is, which is exactly why 4k screens on a phone is useless…

if the iphone screen was to be 4k, nobody would notice any difference as it's just too small