Can tv, computers and iphones damage eyesight?

Many of my friends have bad eyes because of excessive use, but people say it does not do any harm

I've been sticking to all of these for longer than anyone else and my eyes are just fine. Some are just not used to it. However the screens of these devices can keep you awake for a long period until you are really tired. Its like the Sun when its up you can't really sleep.

It can cause Astigmatism but its treatable with corrective lenses. Myopia (which is permanent) is unlikely.

You say they have bad eyes because of excessive use - but where are teh scientific studies which prove this? Bad eyesight is about the shape of the eyeball. As you grow this cahnges and often your eyesight gets worse. At teh same time you start using tv, computers adn iphones more and then think the one influences the other. My eyesight stopped getting worse when I starting working on computers - does this mean that computers help eyesight? No its simply about the age when bad eyesight typically stops getting wrose.

If TV, compjuters/iphonees damaged eyesight then people would be suing if there was a shred of proof.

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