Can Verizon Confiscate an iphone 4G with a bad esn?

Can Verizon confiscate my iphone 4g if i try to get it activated if it has a bad esn?

I bought this iphone 4g and i want to get it activated

It is deactivated, i'm assuming because it has no number and it notifies me that it's not activated when i turn on the phone.

If i bring it into Verizon to get it activated, and it has a bad esn or it's been reported lost, could they confiscate it from me?

Verizon can't take anything away from you. They can simply just say no we can't do anything about it. If they take it from you that's a lawsuit for you buddy. There's way to fix the esn just google how to fix bad esn

I think so. Because you would be in possession of stolen property.

There would be no point. If the ESN is bad, then nobody can activate it.