Can you unlock an iphone 4 to use on the tmobile network?

I've done it with my 3g, but would like to do it with an iphone 4

Http:// like please

If you ever get it unlock, of course it would work. But only voice service, data it's still on Edge. The iPhone it's not compatible with T-Mobile data. This is the main reason that T-Mobile is not selling the iPhone yet.
Also, you need a certain baseband in the iPhone in order to be unlock, not every baseband can be unlock.

The iphone 4 will work on Tmobile internet service but no the edge service. So that solves that problem
you will need to pay $30 for unlimited data plan through tmobile.
You will need to jailbreak and unlock the iphone 4 iOS 4 basband 5.13.01 which will be out a week after iphone 4 is in the devteams safe hands.
I woluld recommend not buying an iphone 4 for at least one month after its released into the wild.

You can use Remote Unlock service to Unlock I-phone 4 from the network lock… Visit the site get the Remote Unlock service and unlock it easily… You can get remote unlock service for United Kingdom(UK)
T-Mobile network lock.