Cut a regular sim down to a micro sim for iphone 4 and.its not working?

I was on my parents att plan with my iphone 4. My parents got pissed at me and decided to have my phone shut off. I went out and bought an att gophone to get me by until I decide to get on a plan myself. Well I found an article online explaining that I can use a gophone sim card in an iphone if I cut it down to micro sim size i just won't have 3g unless i change my APN settings so fine…

So I cut my sim card (it still works in the gophone although its difficult to get in there but the sim DOES still work)
I took out my iphones micro sim and inserted the gophone 'micro sim'
the iphone is giving me an 'Invalid sim' and a 'sim failure' message.
I have tried resetting network settings and rebooting with no success

I did cut the plastic slightly too small so it is a bit loose:\

What can I do here (if anything)?

Thanks… Really regret not going and getting a sim cutter

Tape it into the sim tray, then toggle airplane mode off and on til it connects.
if that doesn't work jailbreak it.

You can try purchasing another sim off of amazon they are less than 5 bucks. Also watch a YouTube tutorial there are plenty that can help you. Since you did cut it too small that may be your problem. Try to get a new sim & a sim cutter. & it should work perfectly. Hope I helped

Is your device UNLOCKED?

Umm… Shot in the dark here, try wrapping some electrical tape around the sim card, just make sure you don't cover the contacts. Make it so it sits snugly in the iphone.

From the description you gave, though, it sounds like the iphone is acknowledging the sim, but isn't compatible with it. Was the article you read specific that this would work with iphone 4? If not, its possible this worked with older iphones, but may not work anymore with newer iphones.

Hope that helps.