Did I do the right thing to the people making fun of me in class today?

I'm a sophomore in high school, there's a group of 4 people in my table, including me. One junior and two other sophomores, who I knew ever since 2nd grade and they always make fun of me for being Asian by saying, "I bet you like your dogs… Medium rare" or "Ching-chong dang dang dong song sui ching". It became a daily basis and I always roast them (they're all white), but it has no affect on them. Tday, I got sick of it and we were doing an assignment and they tortured me like crazy; attempted to break my arm and actually broke all my pens and pencils, so I broke one of their iphones and threw it into a construction site next to my school building a new gym, teared up their assignments, using my sneaky skills and while walking to 4th period, I pushed one of them into the mud. They didn't even say sorry to me. I'm short, Asian, and I have a bad grade in Geometry. I feel as if this year that people are smacking me everyday. So now I just bully them back. In 5th period, one of the guys in my AP World class did say he felt bad and actually went to Safeway for lunch and gave me a box of cookies. I'm still mad at him, a little bit, but was I right to break his phone, smash up his folders? What's gotten into me?

I'm a sophomore in high school, there's a group of 4 people in my table, including me. One junior and two other sophomores, who I knew ever since 2nd grade and they always make fun of me for being Asian by saying, "I bet you like your dogs… Medium rare" or "Ching-chong dang dang dong song sui ching". It became a daily basis and I always roast them (they're all white), but it has no affect on them. Tday, I got sick of it and we were doing an assignment and they tortured me like crazy; attempted to break my arm and actually broke all my pens and pencils, so I broke one of their iphones and threw it into a construction site next to my school building a new gym, teared up their assignments, using my sneaky skills and while walking to 4th period, I pushed one of them into the mud. They didn't even say sorry to me. I'm short, Asian, and I have a bad grade in Geometry. I feel as if this year that people are smacking me everyday. So now I just bully them back. In 5th period, one of the guys in my AP World class did say he felt bad and actually went to Safeway for lunch and gave me a box of cookies. I'm still mad at him, a little bit, but was I right to break his phone, smash up his folders? What's gotten into me? I wouldn't regret what I did If I was you, that taught them their lesson. It's not like you did it for no reason. So you responded to their taunts about being asian by acting like a samurai-ninja hybrid.

Bravo Sir. Where the hell do you live where such blatant and overt **** happens
if you choose best answer leave commentationingsyo wow youre such a savage. I wish I had the guts to do that to people I hate lol. Youre my hero. The way you reacted was perfect just don't fess up haha

So you responded to their taunts about being asian by acting like a samurai-ninja hybrid.

Bravo Sir.

Where the hell do you live where such blatant and overt **** happens
if you choose best answer leave commentationingsyo

Wow youre such a savage. I wish I had the guts to do that to people I hate lol. Youre my hero. The way you reacted was perfect just don't fess up haha

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