Do I need to buy a contract when buying an iPhone?

My iPhone was stolen from me and I'm trying my best to hide it from my dad lol. I already have a contract on my dads account, so when I purchase a new one will I need to buy another contract or can I just buy the phone?

You can buy the phone but you will need to pay the full price of the phone $400-$500. Even then, only he has access to the contract account.

Sorry that yours was stolen. Yes, you can buy an iPhone without a contract - it will just be really expensive. A new iPhone 5 unlocked will cost you $649 for the 16GB and the iPhone 4S will cost you $549 for the 16GB. If you want the iPhone 4, it will cost you $450 unlocked for the 16GB. Of course, you can always try to get an iPhone off of craigslist too, but that adds some risk into the equation.