Do you honstely think i'm spoiled?

I have a macbook pro, xbox 360 ( don't use) , iphone 4s ( i dropped in water), ipod touch 4th ( broken) , ipad mini (brother uses) an hdtv ( don't use)

I'm not going to spoil you with the truth… Mwahahaha

Depends, if you flaunt it infront of people all the time, if you work for it. Or if your just a lil brat that doesn't do anything around the house.

It doesn't matter what you have. It matters what your attitude about it is. If you think you are the sh^t just because of it and always try to get things to go your way you are spoiled. If you are thankful for what you have and understand that some people don't have those necessities then you aren't.

Macbook Pro, outdated
XBox 360, way outdated
iPhone 4s, really? Ancient.
ipod touch and mini are both overrated and cheap as hell.
HDTV, everybody has one.


Razer Blade Pro
Playstation 4 or XBox One
Galaxy S4 or iPhone 5s
Razer Edge Pro
60 inch LED Smart TV

ANSWER: No you are not spoiled at all honey. All of your stuff is not just outdated, but Way outdated! You're a long way away from being spoiled.

  • You think I could buy a iPhone 5 if i work what you guys think? You guys think that if i work at McDonald or any store i can afford to buy the iPhone 5? And pay every month
  • Would you say she was spoiled? My cousin is pretty well off. She has a huge house, horses, a hot tub and pool and gets all the designer clothes she wants for her 14th birthday she took 20 friends to NYC in a huge limo and stayed in the city for hours. For her bday she got an iPhone 5 a new puppy and a Mac laptop do you think she's spoiled
  • Why do people think you're rich if you have an iphone? I have an iphone6 and people at school ask me if I'm "rich." If you want an iphone 6, get something called a job and since when did owning a $700 phone make someone "rich?" It's not like my phone is covered in gold and diamonds.
  • What does it mean if you are a spoiled brat? Everyone says I'm a spoiled brat because I got an iphone 5 the first day it came out, I have an Ipod, kindle fire, iPad, and blackberry if my iphone breaks. I have a lot of clothes but I mean, doesn't everyone have that? That's normal right? So I don't see why people call me that? And I'm only a brat if you are not my friend or if I'm in a bad mood.