Do you recommend the iphone 5?

If so why. If not what phone is better to you?

S3 compared to iphone
The S3.

The S3 has more RAM.

The S3 has a faster processor.

The S3 has a larger display.

The S3 has a microSD slot. The iPhone 5 does not.

The S3 has maps that actually work

I just got the s3 and love it much more than my iphone. I would get the s3 because it has just as many apps, it has a longer battery life, bigger screen, its more customizable, and its thinner and faster and you can add storage for a cheaper price. Also it is stronger and doesn't brake as easily. So ya get the s3 and also its not as light as the iphone 5, it is heavier by 20 grams but the s3 is much bigger and its still lighter than the other iphones

It all depends what phone you're coming from. If you have a 4S, there's no point in upgrading. However, if you're coming from a different phone, the iPhone is a trustworthy and reliable phone. I've owned mine for a year now and have not had a single problem with it. I've only had an app crash on me about 3 times in the times span of owning it. With Android, I always had to think where something was before using that feature/setting. Apps crashed all the time on Android, and the phones I owned continuously became slower over time. With the iPhone, I've never had any trouble. They have the best app selection there's and the greatest range of music from iTunes. I've never regretted the day I pre-ordered mine.

Of course, most phones have better specs than the iPhone, but specs aren't everything. The specs on the iPhone are perfect to run it's operating system and apps sufficiently and quickly. With Android, they're constantly upgrading the specs on newer phones because the Android operating system has continuously become heavier over time, adding newer features while losing focus on the speed and agility of Android.

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