Does Apple have a unique selling point?

I need this for my business studies homework. By Apple, I mean the American company famous for things such as iMac's and iPhone's. If you can answer this, please explain what a unique selling point is because i have no idea what it is?

Unique selling point is to throw all competitors under the bus, even when they use components supplied by the competitor themselves… And then overcharge their loyal customers… And make them buy an adapter for all gadgets that used to work with older model phones.

Apart from the technological aspect of their products, iPlayer, iPhone, iPad they also own lots of desirable content. That is iTunes and Apps. Once you buy a product you are almost forced into buying (renting) their content.

Unique selling point is to throw all competitors under the bus, even when they use components supplied by the competitor themselves… And then overcharge their loyal customers… And make them buy an adapter for all gadgets that used to work with older model phones.

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