Does smiling makes a person more attractive? - 1

Girls keep telling me I would look even better if I simply just relaxed and smiled. I took these all in one sitting and no I'm not smiling (intentionally at least) or particularly relaxed.

I used a old-fashioned cell phone that doesn't have a great photo quality like iPhones

Does smiling makes a person more attractive - 1

Added (1). @GURLnext: no i don't have a girlfriend right now but i'm trying

Added (2). @Ivan: What do you mean?

Yes and if you girlified u up cuz u r beautiful!

That technically is smiling but is not the typical smile that you would see on people. Try moving your cheeks upward instead of sideways.

In my opinion yes! I love a sexy confident man, and a smile is the curve that sets everything straight!

I like people who smile… If someone never smiles, I feel weird. But on the other hand I have a friend who hardly smiles and she's cool.haha

Smile.a smile can help you look better and it makes you feel better too.

I think it is really cute when a guy smile. Its a Turn on. Please answer mine.