Does the fact that I'm 5 years older bother him like it bothers me?

There was a funny photo of an old lady and a young boy I was showing my friend on my iphone,

I said in a jokey way "there's a bit of an age gap there!"

He responded "… Well it's the 21st century"

I was wondering if he was hinting he felt about me.

(we have kissed and done other stuff / slept over each others houses) I really like him but I'm not sure if he feels the same and also, I worry because of the age gap.

Well, how old are you both? If he's 14 and you're 19, then, yes, you are too old for him. If you are 30 and he's 25, then it doesn't really matter. Lots of guys like older women because they're more confident and mature.

5 years is nothing! I think once you're an adult age shouldnt matter to anyone… The only time people raise an eyebrow is when the age gap is like 25-30 years.

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