Does the iphone 5s have 4g or 3g?

I have one it says 3g but does it also have 4g

The iPhone 5S certainly has 4G, but that is useless unless there are 4G towers (antenna) in your area. So if there's no 4G coverage in your area then you must use 3G, check your mobile phone carriers coverage maps.

It is like a sports car that can go 200 mph, but can't if your local speed limits are 70 mph.

It can do both, depending on what your cell carrier offers.

I bet it has both. 4G LTE and 3G. (these are both paid for. Cellular data).

Wi-Fi is free,

you can disable 4G. I have a 4G phone but disabled it cause it drained too much power.

i use only 3G or Wi-Fi.

IPhone 5s with 3G and 4G

What is your carrier? Whether you're connecting to 4G or 3G has to do with where you are. SInce the iPhone 5, 4G/LTE has been standard on iPhones with 4G/LTE providers.