Downloading Youtube audio to iPhone 5c?

I have an iPhone 5c and have tried to download audio from Youtube to listen to music, but it never works. I'm always brought to a new tab where I can play a small piece of the audio, but it isn't downloaded. I've tried downloading it to a computer then exporting by connecting my phone to the computer, but that never seems to work neither. Anything would be helpful, thank you!

There are multiple websites like that you can use! You'll need a computer/laptop. First, make sure you have an iTunes account. Then, copy the link from any youtube video/song you want the audio to, and then paste it into the website. It should convert and let you download it. Then, go into iTunes, click file and "add file to library" or something like that, then choose from your downloads which audio clip you want. If you want to change the title, artist, album cover, etc., then you can right-click on the file in iTunes and press "Get info". Then, once you've downloaded all the songs you like, you need to plug your iPhone into the computer so that iTunes recognizes it (you'll know when it shows you the type of iPhone, the name of your iPhone and your battery percentage at the top). I believe there's a button on the side that says "sync". Press that, scroll down and you should be able to choose either by artist or by album (I can't remember, I don't do this anymore; I use spotify), then all the way at the bottom is "sync". You can do this as many times as you want, obviously. Hope this helped!