Dropped my iPhone 5c in the sink, will it be okay?

I dropped my iPhone 5C in the sink when the tap was running, it wasn't full but it fell in face down and some water from the tap got on it, It was there for less than a second though and as soon as I took it out I wrapped the towel round it and tried to dry all the ports and everything.

It's working fine, the touch screen is fine and it charges and the headphones work and everything so i'm really hoping it's okay, I just wanted to know if this has happens to anyone and if there's was fine?

First thing to do is get the battery out of it, then somehow dry the whole thing out keep any power source away for two days, even condensation can end its life, leave it all in a warm not hot place for two days then hope for the best its a 50 50 chance it will live, sorry

Yes but you should refrain from using it for at least 8 hours. Your best bet is to turn it off and put it in a bowl of rice for a few hours and let it soak up most of the moisture. As an added bonus use a hair dryer on low heat setting and keep it 3 inches away from the phone to get more of the moisture out. Water destroys electrical components, though alcohol does not… Little fun fact for you.lol… Hope this helped

IPhone 5 holds up well in water but make sure you keep it dry from now on. I think drying the casing also helps.

So… It got wet, and your first instinct was to turn it on and make sure it worked?

First step should have been yanking the battery out (although with some newer phones having hardwired batteries - this is going to stop being possible - fortunately they are making them more water resistant), and then sticking it in a bag of rice for about 24-48 hours to wick out any moisture.

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