Fun.addictive flash/ios games?

I was wondering if anyone had a fun game that they play on their ipod or iphone that don't have very much publicity. I have been through several of the 'top 25 Ios games of all' lists, and none look very appealing.
I'm also looking for a good computer flash game, free of course.
For ideas of what I play:
Ios -
Temple run 1 and 2
Slenders - free
Extreme road trip 2
Curiosity - what's inside the cube
Simpsons all tapped out
Jetpack joyride
slamdunk king
flow free

Sas zombie assault
Bloons tower defense 1 to 5
Boxhead zombie wars
most games where you can upgrade things, but I just about exausted that search xD

Thanks for all your suggestions
I want to waste tons of time with these, so make sure they are extremely addictive!

Fastball 2 and 3, geodefense swarm, ninjump

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