Having to lie to save money?

In gonna try my best not to ramble too much. So, for the past few years I've given my spare money to my older sister whenever she needed some to go out or what ever. Since about a year ago my dad told me to never give money to her again. Since then my mom has tricked me a few times by telling me to lend her some money. She even promised me it's not for my sister. Now that I've gotten older (13 years old) I have a reason to save money. I keep the money hidden in my sock drawer to save for a camera because I love photography and taking photos. All I have right now is an iPhone 5 camera. My older still asks me if I have 10 dollars or so and I lie and say "no sorry." I hate lying but it's the only way for me to keep her from taking my camera money. And it might not even be used for a camera. It might be used for college or maybe an emergency. I just don't wanna lie about the money anymore. Any tips?

Kids are often taught that lying is wrong, but adults lie all the time, especially when they're trying to avoid being robbed.

Tell your father when your mother "tricks" you into giving your sister money.

Yes, keep your money in the bank

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