Help recover notes on Iphone?

I just recently backed up my iphone 4 on my computer, planning to update it to the newest ios. After doing so and restoring my phone back to 'normal' I found that all my notes had been cleared. The back up had not worked!

Help please I need my notes they are very very important. I have no idea of how to get them back.

To get your lost notes, you need to download an iPhone notes recovery program. If you're still looking for one, why not try Wondershare Dr. Fone (Mac) (for Mac users) or Wondershare Dr. Fone (for Windows users)? A trusted and user-friendly program that enables you to extract the whole iTunes backup file to preview and take what you want, including notes, photo & video, text messages, call history and calendar, no matter you're using iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS or previous versions. Both two programs also enable you to directly scan your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 to recover deleted notes.