How did she trade her iphone 5 to a 5s?

There's this girl at my school that had an white iphone 5 the week it came out and now today I saw her with a black iphone 5s (I can tell because there's the pink circle under the yellow one) and it made me so jealous that she didn't have to wait two years! How was she able to do it?

Either she bought it at its full price, (I think $750) or she used something like JUMP! From T-Mobile or Verizon, etc. Also, I have the Samsung Galaxy S4! It's a way better phone. IPhone 5s is the same exact thing! Just the lame fingerprint think.

She probably paid full price for the phone to end the contract or had a phone network like T-Mobile or Sprint that doesn't have 2 year contracts anymore.

If you're thinking about getting a new phone, you should totallu get the Samsung Galaxy S4, that's what I have, because it is so much better than the 5S and has a lot more features too!

Please explain what the strange symbol is on the iphone weather screen. I understand all except the scribble indicator.