How hard should I pop my daughter in the mouth for calling me the b word?

How hard should I pop my daughter in the mouth for calling me the b word? - 1

Added (1). Nicole, she doesn't have an iPhone. She's 9 years old. Just because other parents spoil their kids doesn't mean I do.

Hard enough that when it's done she looks like a run down B-word herself.

That's too weak. Try slitting her throat instead.

Taking away her IPhone

She did nothing wrong sounds like you are one

I wouldn't pop her in the mouth that could come up as child abuse but if she's young enough to spank then 5 wacks with a belt should do it

Even with kids, respect has to be earned.

I think I saw you and her in the streets of Baltimore last night.

What goes around comes around… When you ar old and wearing Depends, she mightl let you stew for a while…

No, give her a Tootsie Pop and make her lick to the center.