How long will the Singapore Police find a lost iPhone? Will there be a chance to find it?

I lost my phone yesterday and no calls today whatsoever. I can't contact my phone either because the battery died and if i'm not mistaken I put it on call forwarding before I lost it. My phone battery was also low and I texted a lot of times but no reply.

Added (1). P.S: My phone has a lock. And no battery so they'd have to purchase it if they want to use it. Also, I didn't connect it to iCloud.

I doubt they will be able to find a phone and most police service don't even try as someone probably has it by now after finding it in the streets

Bro, your screwed. Your phone can be with anybody, and the cops finding your phone, just forget it. Get a new one, cause its lost.

You're dreaming… You have no idea how many phones get lost/stolen etc

there's not enuf manpower to find everyones phones.

time to suck it up and move on, sorry.