How to date a girl who doesn't have an iPhone?

So this girl in a school near mine wants to date me, we're both juniors in high school, but she has a really old android phone, and I have an iPhone 5c. Her phone is like an old gingerbread droid from like 2009. And I don't know if it's worth trying anything. I mean she's green on text, so it's kinda hard to know what's going on, and sometimes I get texts from 2 different phone numbers. We can't send pics and it's just a bad experience altogether. Am I being an ***. Or is this worth it.

I think you should still give it a try. It's just a phone… As long as you two get along well and enjoy each others company, everything should be fine. I can understand your uncertainty about the not being able to send pictures or the two different numbers, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing a relationship with her if you feel it is worth it. She probably isn't able to get a new phone right now, or maybe she doesn't see the need for her to have a new one… If getting texts from the different numbers bothers you, maybe you could try to tell her that it can be somewhat confusing and see what's going on.

Date her now and you can change that stuff later in life.

Maybe spend some time with her in the real world lol.