How to go back to an older version of Itunes?

I just download the new Itunes and I hate it. It's literally impossible to navigate and I can't even find out how to put music on my iPhone. How can I go back to the last version/

Search on the Internet and older version of itunes (example: itunes 1.0 download, also place an extension on your search like.exe for windows) or you may search up on you tube how to obtain the old layout.

No sorry but you can look on youtube how to put music on your ipod and all the other stuff hope it helps

No you can't do this

No but with a few clicks here and there you can make it look like itunes 10 and trust me it behaves better then when it looks familiar:

I spent all the festive season messing with useless software to get it looking like this but I will shar it with you:

Open itunes:
Click on the little black and white square at the top left of your Library page
Click - show menu bar
On the Menu bar click view
click show status bar
Click View
Click Show Side Bar

Well that's it really - I think you will find it looks just as before and it will make it easier for you to use: If you are not happy, just take out all the ticks and it will go back, but somehow I think you will prefer it this way.

If you do not like the new search box, I did not like it. Click on the little arrow and take the tick box out of search all - now search is back how it was before too.

I hope this helps and makes you feel more at home with itunes, I spent a whole week getting my itunes to look like this