How to make an iPhone group text with more than 10 people in it?

I'm trying to make a group text with more than 10 people In it, but when I do. The people that reply their message comes back separate. I want all messages as a whole but i don't know how? It is possible I've been apart of one before.

Some of the people may not have iPhones.

It's not your phone's problem, it's the recipient's phone problem. Their phones may not support group messaging, or they could have turned off group messaging (which iPhones can turn it off too). I usually only do group messages with my friends who have iPhones.

If your friends wanna group chat over text, then when they REPLY, they must REPLY ALL… If they just hit rpely, then only you get the text reply and others won't get jack squat!

REPLY ALL… Its not rocket science

No I have an Iphone 7 plus, and it limits to only 10 numbers for texting… If some knows how to increase that, please share… Geniouses