How to use Siri on the iphone?

How do I use Siri on the iphone?

Just hold the middle button.

Press the Home button…

You can start Siri anytime by pressing and holding the home button for about two seconds.

If this doesn't work, go to Settings > General > Siri and make sure that the toggle for "Siri" is turned ON.

You can also trigger Siri by raising the iPhone quickly from in front of you to your ear. You can make sure this feature is on by going to Settings > General > Siri and make sure that the toggle for "Raise to Speak." The great thing about Raise to Speak is that if you do it in public, it looks like you're talking on the phone to a regular person. Also, Siri does not use the main speaker to respond, but uses the earpiece speaker so others can't hear your conversation.

Hope this helps!

Hold down your home button until there's a beeping sound, then Siri will pop up and you may ask your question.

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