I can't install tweaks Cyrus TaiG 2.1.3 iPhone 5s?
This is what it says I don't know what to do
That means that you need to download Winterboard. I've never heard of TARDIS, but I'm assuming that it's a theme?
This tweak may also not be compatible with your iOS version
- Why won't cydia tweaks work on my iPhone 5s? So my iphone is jailbroken with cydia 1.1.9.It's not mobile substrate because an update was just released for it. The tweaks appear in settings but they don't change anything. Yes they are ios 7 compatible. What's going on? The one tweak that has worked for me is f.lux.
- Why isn't cydia's tweaks and themes not working on my iphone 5s ios 7 It installs the apps just fine, but tweaks and themes either don't download or don't take effect, please help
- When Will ios7 Cydia Tweaks Work On iphone 5s? Just jailbroke my iphone 5s, none of my favorite tweaks will work? I heard it has to do with updating the Mobile Substrate.SO, When will they update that?
- What are some cool jailbreak tweaks for iPhone 5? I have an iPhone 5 and I have Color Keyboard, Graviboard, Tab+ for safari, folder enhancer, folder lock, winterboard, dreamboard, ect. I got pretty much all the popular tweaks but I want to find some off side tweaks that are very fun and useful and obviously support my iPhone 5.