I cracked my Iphone 5 screen?

I was using it as I walked into the bathroom and the lights were off and I dropped! Now the screen the shattered! Will warranty fix it for free?!

Added (1). I live in the US

Added (2). The lights in the bathroom was off

If its still in waranty then yes they will fix it for free and if its not it should only cost about £50 or dollar equivalent

"lights off" you mean the screen turned off?

and you dropped it. That ain't good. Dropping is one of the fastest ways of breaking an iphone.

anyways… Iphone warranty is valid for 2 years i think. Maybe not. Maybe the policy changed…

look it up on apple's website…

My name is Hasan first of all the waranty of moblie phones is only for software problem like for example when you turn on your phone it screen does not display it is not for any breakage if you want to get it reparied thorugh apple then it i will cost u alot go to any shop which repairs moblies they will repair it in a good price
like 23 to 24 pounds


No Warranty for Hardware problems… Sorry to say…

The warranty typically only covers manufacturing or design defects, so replacing a shattered screen due to the phone being dropped likely won't be covered. For that, you'd need to have purchased insurance or some kind of accidental damage coverage. Luckily, there are lots of places that can repair your screen, though an Apple store is probably the best place to go, particularly if your phone is quite new.

Once you get your screen fixed, definitely get a good case for your phone (if you didn't have one already) and also use a screen protector. They don't guarantee the screen won't break if you drop the phone again, but chances are much better your phone will survive the next drop if properly protected.

Hope that helps!

Accidental damage. Not normally warranty but if you have insurance