I don't know what to ask for for Christmas

I'm a 15 year old girl. I love all types of music, I love rap, hip hop, stoner rock, some classic rock, and country. I love mod sun, wiz, Kendrick, drake, g eazy, sublime. I like tye dye. I already have a dog and a hamster. I don't have a tv but I'm already asking for that and if I get a tv which I doubt I will I'll be asking for a xbox also. I'm in the process of redoing my room so some gift ideas could be directed towards that, I'm going to have a blacklight in my room with posters and I have a huge tye dye flag on my wall. I already have an iPhone and computer so I don't need to ask for that, I also have a sound system so I don't really know what else to ask for. I live with my dad so it hard to ask for just clothes, it'd have to be specific. If you have any unique ideas please help me out! There's not much I want but my dad wants me to think of more things

Since your redoing your room ask for nice room decorations. Ask for a CD of a cool band you like. Maybe you want make up…

I've bought like 5 gifts from www.SurpriseMeGifts.com and all the gifts we've gotten are really cool. It's just $10 and you get random Surprise gifts. They've sent headphones, iphone case, make up and a PS3 game

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