I have $8, 000. What should I do?

Tuition, living expenses, food all taken care of. I got a car, 3 computers, an iPad, an iPhone, and more video games than I could possibly play.

I should save most of that money, yes…

HOWEVER, spending $1000 over the course of the summer isn't too irresponsible.

So what should I do/buy? Weed every day? Movie and amusement park tickets every day?

Save it for a rainy day

Lend me 2 grand.

Save your money, and don't waste it on weed.

Get your best friends, get some drink and drugs and head to the coolest place you know and make memories that will last longer than money ever will… Or give it to me and ill show you how it's done!

What does one do with 3 computers…

Anyway, I would put it toward college or a car, but you have both covered, so with $8, 000… Honestly I'd save it for a rainy day. That bit of cash could get me out of quite a bind, you know? So yeah, that's what I would do. Well actually I'd probably take $1, 000 of it and spend that on books and music and save the rest.

Personally, I work part time, getting paid to share an energy drink with my friends. I would take 500 of that 8 k and start my business over the summer. 8k isn't going to last forever bro. Hit me up if you want more info.call/text me at 618-660-9704

Give me 1, 000 and I will be happy.

If i had that money i will buy a year worth supply of weed then i will save it to buy more weed XD

Spend it all on lottery tickets

Buy weed and save it for college

Donate it to the I want money fund I will take care of everything

Really big over sized food that would be fun.

A hot tub or pool no no Jacuzzi.

A big tv

Clothes ^_^ shoppings.

Go to walmart and buy stuff that you didn't know existed.

Socks ( glow ones, light up ones, neon ones light ones, fuzzy ones etc.)

Get a season pass for a amusement park

go to a different country like Brazil to the Amazon thats probably around 6k.


Shoppings again.

Bye thats it, I can't think of anything.

Btw: i don't know if your a rich guy or trolling so I just answered this and yea adios.

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