I have a iPhone 4, should I download ios 7?

I have the iPhone 4, and I scared to download ios7, is it worth it or no?

Yes. It works fine, adds a bunch of features, and more importantly has security updates.

I don't see why not.

I don't believe so! I have all iPhones from 4 and newer, iOS 7 is definitely a good idea to get it on any iPhone ABOVE the 4. On my 4S it runs as smooth as glass (as long as apps are closed) on the 5 it's a little buggy but it performs almost flawlessly, on the 5S it's just perfect, still bugs here and there. I do not recommend iOS 7 to you. Sorry but the iPhone 4 will lag a lot with iOS 7.It'll work pretty well but in my opinion it slows down too much, at times it takes about 8-10 seconds for the phone app to launch. It's all up to you, I do not recommend it.

I wouldn't do it. I had an iPhone 4 and updated it, and it got So slow that it forced me to upgrade. It was almost unusable. Now I have an iPhone 5S.

Yeah, you should. It's the latest ios so why not…

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