I saw today, but almost 30 years ago, is this weird or what?

Back in the year 1988 to 1990, I kept having unexplained quick flashes that I wrote down, me on a computer using Facebook and using an iPhone and everything, at that time my description wasn't straight forward though.

'I was on a computer but this computer was not like any I ever seen, the picture was clear as a television and the television was flat and weird looking and I saw clear images of people on it, and I was communicating with them and I was doing everything with this device'

'I held a similar television like device in my hands that I did everything on'

Then during those times I was having vague visions of YouTube but this was back in 1989 or 1990.

1990 - 'The videos I'm seeing on tv today I will soon be able to get them with ease but the quality would suffer and not be that great' 'I would be searching for the quality version of it' 'what I'm getting them on is this television that I can interact with that I can get any music video or tv show that I want or movie with ease, I don't know how this would be because this is impossible'

In those times I thought all of this stuff that came to me was looney and impossible. Kept it to myself to avoid being called crazy.

Today, I can get my 1980s movies, music videos, and tv shows on YouTube but the quality suffers because they were uploaded from a woreout VHS tape and the tv shows, the movies and music videos are currently 'out of print'

Is this freaky or what?

Can't tell you if its weird or not because I have no clue what you're saying.

Dunno man. It's still 1995

No, it's not freaky. People were working on flat-screen TV technology in the 1960s (the father of a third-grade friend of mine worked on that at RCA back then). Movies on demand have been proposed for so long that the first time I saw a dramatization of what they'd be like, people were shown requesting them by number via a telephone DIAL. So it's not as if you're the only person who ever imagined this technology, not by a long shot.