I tried to restore from iOS 7 Beta, any

I downloaded a free verison of iOS 7 Beta and it didn't work. Now when I try to restore my iPhone 4S it says unknown error and i can't use it. Any suggestions?

Added (1). I tired to restore to iOS 6.1.3 and yes i did create a backup before i did it

Buy a new one

You didn't download a free version of ios7… You downloaded a hacked version… LMAO

people.please.use your brain… Ios7 is in beta for a freakin reason. Be patient. Your life will not end… God…

This my friend is why i would never try anything like this! When apple are ready to release the software they will.
I mean even the apple shop are not gonna help you with this problem because you should not be able to download ios 7.

You have to upgrade to iOS 7 now, but you won't be able to activate unless your device's UDID has been registered with a site like http://www.instantudid.com/.It'll cost $5, but they register your device instantly.

There are two possibilities. It restored to the iOS 7 ipsw again, or you didn't enter DFU mode.

We'll start with restoring to iOS 7. First, download an iOS 6.1.3 ipsw for the right device, hold down shift (option for Mac) and click restore.select the ipsw and it should go smoothly.

If not, make sure your device is in DFU mode. Look it up if you don't know how.

That's all I know!

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