I want to buy an iPhone 5, but I'm scared?

I'm nearly 18 and have a smashed pre owned 3gs I got for christmas a year ago. I need a new phone and I have a job. I was going to get the iphone 5 on contract for £30 a month but my mum doesn't want me to get one in case something happens to my job which I understand. I found out today that i've been accepted to another job, so now I have two which I will be tackling. Now I have 2 jobs so I can support my contract if something happens to one job.

I'm still worried something will happen if I go on contract, this goes on for 2 years. I don't know what will happen in two years, but I need a phone. Loads of kids my age have contract phones so it shouldn't be a problem right?

I would go for it!

2 years goes by pretty quick, plus they pick up a big part of the cost so I don't see an issue. Shop around to find the cheapest plans though, you can get some limits which also helps make it cheaper. (like using imessage, using lower data plans, etc)


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