Internet gets disconnected when I plug in my iPhone to PC?

My PC used to connect directly to my Internet ADSL router. One day I changed the PC's power supply and ever since then every time I connect my iPhone (I have 2 of them) to my PC using USB cable, the router would disconnect and then reconnect. After several disconnects, my ISP would gradually lower the speed. When it gets too slow I would call up the ISP and ask them to reset the connection so that I get my usual speed again.

I then thought it was probably to do with a bad power supply, so I installed a Wi-Fi adapter on my PC, and connected through a Wi-Fi router (which connects to my ADSL router). This way there's no cable connecting my PC to any of the routers. It worked for some time, but then the same problem happened again when I connected my iPhone to my PC after a few weeks.

Has anyone experienced this before and know of a solution?

I also have the same problem. When i plug my phone to my pc. My phone suddenly frezz. Then the tecnician said. Thal my cable was grounded. Maybe the problem of yours is caused by the cable. Try using another cable. Hope this helps.

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