Internet works for my iphone and mac, but not for my PC?

We have had problems in the past but had them fixed. How come my internet works perfect for my iphone and my mac but is extremely slow and sometimes not work for my PC. Had no issue with this 45 minutes ago

Some possible reasons:

Do you have a virus on your PC? Run an anti-virus program to make sure or clean up any viruses you may have.

In my experience I have noticed that apple products tend to hog up bandwith so this may be a possible reason (when the apple stuff is completely shut off in my home, my internet works just fine and is significantly faster).

Is your modem/router working properly?

If your PC connects to the internet wireless, then is the wireless working properly on the PC?

There may too many devices for your internet or modem/router to handle at one time.

"Had no issue with this 45 minutes ago "

Does that mean you sometimes DO NOT have this slowness? If it is rather rare to have the issue, that's just how the Internet works. Your local ISP is just over-loaded for an hour. This most often happens in my Shanghai neighborhood at 8 a.m. (business email checks) and at 12:30 p.m. (school kids all go home for lunch and then play online games).

If the issue continues and is never noticed at all on the other devices, then it is related to the router playing favorites (uneven allocation) or the Windows system or PC Wi-Fi card has some issue. Is the PC a notebook? Then pick it up and take it to Starbucks. If the Starbucks network is fine with the PC, start with a soft reset of your home router. If that's no improvement, do a HARD reset of the home router.

As for Apple hogging, baloney. I've seen plenty of posts saying the PC is fine and the Apple is slow. Then the haters chime in "Aha! Apple sucks for Internet speed!" In other words, no matter what, they hate Apple. Mac OS has no QOS (bandwith allocation) software included. Even if it did, you would have to configure it to slam the PC… And you didn't.