IPhone 5 stuck on iOS 7 update?

I've been trying to download iOS 7 for 2 hours now. My phone is on the software update page in settings, but its stuck on less than 1 minute remaining for the past hour and half. Does anyone know how I can reset that page to get it back to the normal page so I can restart the download?

I've already tried to reset it by holding the lock and home button.

Added (1). The download has moved along the bar at all, so it isn't going to.

Everyone is downloading the update so it is going to take a VERY long time to download. Restarting the download will just make it longer as you will move further down the queue as people are downloading. You will just have to wait for the download to finish.

IIm stuck with the same prb I tried everything I cud think to get to normal page. Nothing works for me yet

I have been stuck on "less than 1 minute remaining" since 1:30 pm Eastern. I've tried everything from reboot, restore to previous date, restart etc. The gears on the settings-->Software Updates-->are turning but have zero progress. I guess I'll just wait it out. Also my apps get stuck on "waiting" when updating or installing new.

I've been stuck I this all day. Delete up to 3.5 FB of free space and the download will finish. It took me forever to figure it out