IPhone 5 Wi-Fi not working when phone case is on?

I don't understand why this keeps happening. I obviously need a case on my phone, but every time I put a case on my phone, the Wi-Fi doesn't work. It's any case- not just certain ones. What do I do? No one else seems to have this problem.

Turn it off?

I can just say now that I'm pretty sure that is not all cases!

Some cases for all iphones, can block the signal for your network, Wi-Fi or bluetooth. Some will give you no reception, some will give you no Wi-Fi connection, some will give no bluetooth connection.

Its not that your phones been hacked, or your phones faulty, its just that the case you are using, is not suitable for any phone. As it blocks the signal from your phone and your Wi-Fi.

Try silicone cases, they work the best. Most plastic ones work. It all depends on which case you use. Its not just your phone, if you used that case on a diffrent iPhone 5, it won't work either.

A lot of cases for iphones are "unbranded" and haven't been tested to see if it interfeares from the signal. But most "unbranded" cases will work.