IPhone 5s release year 2013 iphone 6 release year 2014 why new iPhone every new year?

IPhone 5s release year 2013 iphone 6 release year 2014 why new iPhone every new year?

Because Apple know the fanboys will buy them before they even know the specs of it. Easy money from idiots who must have the latest iPhone.

  • Why does apple release a new iphone every year? I don't think it's fair. We all spend so much on a new iphone and find out a new one s coming out next year… It just really annoys me!
  • Why does Apple keep releasing new products every year? Why does Apple keep releasing new versions of the iPhone every year? Sometimes the newer version really doesn't make a difference from the older version. Also am I the only one who hates it when they release new versions of the iPhone? Like I want to an iPhone but I'm scared that they'll come out with a new one making mine look old even though I just bought it. Woah! There's no need to throw unnecessary hate in my direction. Mmmkay
  • Why does Apple keep making and release new iPhones every few months? Like why did they make then Iphone 6 just make and release the iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus? What is the point of apple doing this doesn't apple not have enough money? It's like if you have windows 7 and you upgrade to windows 8 then they come out with windows 8.1 then a year later they come out with windows 10 like why i already upgraded why do i need to upgrade again?
  • Why do so many people wait in line for the new iPhone every year? Seriously, why not just wait a few days or weeks to get it? I just don't see the point in going out to the Apple Store really early to wait in a huge line just to get the new iPhone.