IPhone 6 16Bg or 64 GB? Which one would you get?

IPhone 6 16Bg or 64 GB? Which one would you get?

Added (1). So i'm getting a new phone, and I want an iPhone 6 but i don't know whether I should get a 16 GB or 64 GB? Which one would you get? I don't plan on getting too many games, only about 10-20, probably only gonna have 100 songs because all the other ones I have in pandora and such. I do have a couple shopping apps on my phone, as well as some other app, so how much memory do you think I need?

64GB but what does that have to do with anything?

Get 32 gb if that's not a choice get a 64 gb because 16 GB run out of space quick. I have iPhone 4 16 gb only have 30 songs 6 games only have 7GB left