IPhone 6s Rose Gold Male option opinions?

Before i start i know its pink not rose gold

I see a lot of people saying that rose gold/pink iPhone makes you gay or like girl/female and you are not straight etc…

i my self didn't give **** about it and got it cuz i loved the color for all i think it shows that your are secure and have confidence in what you use and don't care about people opinions and its your phone not theirs

it didn't make me gay or girly and i'm straight so do think that pink color make you gay/girly
color doesn't represent Sex/gender who said that pink is for girls and blue for boys

i want to hear your opinions in this topic

It looks gay.

Everyone have opinion people will always say this is bad ohh its gay ohh its girly just get what you want

Do whatever you want to do, its really up to you. I personally like the silver one but everyone has their own opinion, you could always just get the gold one.

Its just a colour. You like it, you get it. Simple as that.

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