Why is the iphone 7/7 plus so expensive?

Seriously. Why does the 256fb cost 970 or whatever. To me that is really crazy.

Added (1). I plan on buying the iphone 7 plus 128gb next month by making payments with verizon. I do like apple but I think they are over priced.

That's Apple pricing.
People are willing to pay that much money, so Apple charges that much for it.

Cuz apple knows people will buy it.Lol

Why are You so Disappointed that it costs $600 to $900?

If you can't afford it,
continue to live with what you already have
or buy something less expensive.

Not everyone can afford to buy a new Rolls or Maybach.Right?
So what's wrong with a phone you can't afford?
The principle is the same…

Apple is a commercial company, it prices it's goods at the levels it deems will generate it most revenue. So, that's as high as it can get the price before demand starts to tail off significantly!

It costs that much because people are willing to pay it.

People get the idea price = quality most of the time that isn't true. The iPhone 7 + costs 259 dollars to males and retails for 700 + dollars

Probably because of the quality of the phone and like someone said Apple knows that people are still gonna buy it. I mean, it's a really nice phone. I switched from Android and bought my very first iPhone (7 Plus) back in February. I didn't go for the 256 GB, I went for the 128 GB and I'm nowhere near out of storage. The phone is Silver and I'm with Verizon.

Its the brand name called 'Apple' which makes it expensive than any other brand phone.

Cause it cost alot of RnD to make so your buying a high quality phone,
its like asking why does the ps4 cost alomst 500$ or xbox one s 2 TB version cause your paying for storage and the screen mostly

Cuz apple knows people shall buy it… Lol