IPhone or Droid, which one's better?

I have an iPhone 4 now but I know some people who like the droid and my two year contract is coming up so I might want something different. Any suggestions?

When you get to the bottom of it, there's not a lot of difference.

iOS/Apple is more locked down- specific phones, less customization, etc.
Android is more customizable- different options for phone hardware and more software customization.

90% of the apps are the same, and basically any feature found on one OS will also be on the other ( Siri vs. Google Now and Voice Actions, Facetime vs. Hangouts, etc.)

Unless you have a specific phone, feature, etc., in mind, there's not a lot of reason to switch if you're used to a specific OS. If the difference was important enough, you would have done reasearch and already decided to switch. There's not a lot of reason when your current library of apps/etc. Is based on your iOS device.

If you just don't like how iOS handles, go to an electronics or phone store and try out some other options.