Is is possible for a Iphone to be tracked from a different phone carrier?

Is is possible for a Iphone to be tracked from a different phone carrier? - 1

If they pull the information from the carrier absolutely, because it pinpoints exactly where you were when the call was placed and received at that time.

Yes, it may be possible and till then you can also install Leo Privacy Guard in your device, it's the best app when it comes to secure your device, you should also need to know that it is the 2nd ranked app of US

Yes it can be tracked by gps trackers.

If you mean by making a call in a Verizon area on an ATT iPhone. (as an example) Yes, as they share data as needed. If you mean, can you take an ATT iPhone and register it with Verizon so that ATT doesn't know you have a stolen phone? Yes. They share data and another phone company will NOT allow you to sign up a phone that is not clear of contract, or is locked due to being stolen. They will immediately call the police and report you.