Is it still worth getting an Iphone 3gs?

So I want to get a new phone and I can get a new iphone 16gb 3GS for about $350.Is It still a good phone (I know they are old) or should I just get a new android phone (like a Samsung) for around the same price?

I3gs will officially be unsupported in about 7 weeks. Don't tell anyone.

Don't get it, it is not even a feature phone by todays standards, it has a 3 megapixel camera and not even a 1 ghz processor. If your not a geek that means its slow and very obsolete

The 3GS still is a good phone, but it is the oldest of the still updated iPhones, therefore it will be the first to stop receiving updates, most probably before iOS 7 is released later this year.
As it stands now though it is still updated & therefore can run all the available apps.

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